Saturday, July 10, 2010

One Week to Go

My first blog post! Well, let's see if if actually works. I still have to figure out how to add pictures and, really, to figure out what exactly it is that a blog does? Is this a one way dialog or can people talk to me, too?

This blog is to inform all interested parties about my various adventures over the next few months while I am on leave from teaching.

So far it has been about house cleaning, paperwork, trip preparations, and a fun Fourth of July party complete with fireworks. (I did get a couple of neat looking spider bites while cleaning the yard.)

Nine more days before we leave for London and then on to Africa. It has been quite complicated to come this far... shots, luggage, layover in London, haggling with the tour operator and visa company. Things are finally settled now and the hard decisions of packing are before me.

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